After receipt of your order, we will contact you with information on the status of your order and the delivery time.
2Why is an item backordered and when will I receive it?
Occasionally we find that due to manufacturer delays, our Customer Service department may need to notify you that your item is not currently available and provide an estimate on when it will be available for shipping.
3What are some tips if your order is shipping via truck?
Someone must be present to receive and inspect your shipment. The trucking company will not deliver the shipment unless there is a person to sign the receipt.
Examine your shipment before signing the delivery receipt. If a box has minor damage, don’t be alarmed. Inspect the contents inside the package before you sign. If it appears that the contents in the carton are broken or damaged, note that on the delivery receipt and contact us.
Count all the boxes before signing the delivery receipt. Be sure the box count aligns with quantities on the receipt. If there are any boxes missing, note that on the receipt before you sign.
Be prepared to help unload your shipment from the truck if inside delivery is not prearranged. Truck drivers are not obligated to help you unload the truck. If you think you need assistance unloading, please arrange for inside delivery in advance!.
Carefully inspect and note damage on delivered cartons. Note outside carton damage, or internal damage on the delivery receipt (Bill of Lading or BOL). Listing carton damage will assist in claiming damage upon full inspection. Fully inspecting the items while the driver is present, is your best way to document a potential claim.